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Minutes from the HSA's Fourteenth Biennial Meeting October 19, 1996 (Keystone Resort, Colorado) 1. Ardis Collins presented the Treasurer's Report and explained how the Society's methods of record-keeping and dues- collection are being professionalized. The work of updating the membership database has begun. The dues-collection system will be changed back to an annual-billing system, with the same due date for all members. At the conclusion of the Treasurer's Report, the Treasurer on behalf of the Executive Council moved that the Society raise regular membership dues by $5 and student membership dues by $2, in order to hire the Philosophy Documentation Center to look after the membership database and dues-collection. A vote was taken and the motion passed. 2. Stephen Houlgate made several announcements: (1) The proceedings of the 1994 conference (on Hegel's philosophy of nature) are in production with S.U.N.Y. Press; (2) the work of establishing an official World Wide Web "home page" for the Hegel Society of America has begun; (3) prior to the 1998 meeting, a proposal to amend the Hegel Society's constitution (Article V, section 3, regarding elections) will be distributed to members of the Hegel Society along with copies of the full constitution; (4) The Executive Council of the Society has authorized official participation by the Hegel Society in the upcoming World Congress of Philosophy (August 10-16, 1998, in Boston); (5) Stephen Houlgate shared some of his ideas about how the Hegel Society of America might work to increase its visibility and presence at various philosophical events and gatherings, both in North America and throughout the world. 3. Suggestions for the theme of the 1998 conference were solicited and a vote was taken. The theme of the 1998 conference was determined to be: "Hegel's Philosophy of Right." The tentative host institution of the 1998 conference will be the University of Georgia. If the University of Georgia is unable to host the 1998 conference, then the Pennsylvania State University will do so. If the University of Georgia hosts the 1998 meeting, Pennsylvania will host the meeting in 2000. 4. Motions were passed authorizing the President to write official letters of thanks to Jere Surber (as the Local Organizer of the 1996 conference), to the University of Denver (as the host institution of the 1996 conference), to Larry Stepelevich (as outgoing Editor of The Owl of Minverva), to Loyola University and John McCumber (for their support of The Owl). A motion was passed thanking William Maker for organizing the program for the 1996 conference. 5. Elections were held for Officers and Councillors. The results of the elections (announced later at the Society banquet) were as follows: President: Larry Stepelevich; Vice-President: Robert Williams; Treasurer: Ardis Collins; Secretary: Michael Baur; Councillors: John McCumber and Jere Surber (to replace outgoing Councillors David Duquette and David Sterne). The Business Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Michael Baur, Secretary

Minutes from the HSA's Fifteenth Biennial Meeting October 3, 1998 (Athens, Georgia) The Business Meeting was called to order by the Society's President, Larry Stepelevich, at approximately 6:25 p.m. Larry Stepelevich reminded members about the Society's web-page (""), and encouraged them to visit the web-page for continuously updated information on the Society and related areas of interest. Ardis Collins presented the Treasurer's Report. As part of her Report, she expressed the Society's gratitude to Loyola University of Chicago and to John McCumber (current holder of the Koldyke Outstanding Teaching Professorship at Northwestern University) for their generous help in sustaining the Owl of Minerva. Dr. Collins also announced that the deadline for submissions for the special issue of the Owl (dedicated to H.S. Harris's two-volume work, Hegel's Ladder) has been extended from February 1, 1999 to February 1, 2001. Next, the following resolution was considered: "The Executive Council of the Society shall be charged with the duty of organizing regular HSA group sessions at the Eastern Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association (APA), to be held each year when the Hegel Society does not meet on its own (i.e., to be held in odd-numbered years). The Council shall organize each biennial group session at the APA in accordance with the following procedures: There shall be an open "call for organizers" of the group session; Once the Executive Council has selected an organizer or organizers for the group session, the organizer(s) shall circulate an open "call for papers" for the group session; Papers to be presented at the HSA-sponsored session at the Eastern Division meeting of the APA shall be selected by a committee in accordance with a policy of blind review. The Executive Council of the Society shall also be authorized to grant its approval to HSA-sponsored sessions at philosophical venues other than the Eastern Division Meeting of the APA, e.g., group sessions or book sessions at the Central or Pacific Division meetings of the APA, etc. In the case of such other sessions, the Executive Council shall have discretion to vary procedures as necessary." After some discussion, a vote was taken and the resolution passed. Next, the following resolution was considered: "Professor Daniel Shannon of Depauw University shall be authorized to establish a new e-mail discussion group under the auspices of the Hegel Society of America. The discussion group shall be restricted to members of the Hegel Society of America, but otherwise unmoderated for content." After some discussion, a vote was taken and the resolution passed. Elections were held for Officers and Councillors. The results of the elections (announced later at the Society's banquet) were as follows: President: Robert Williams Vice-President: David Duquette Councillors: Angelica Nuzzo and Melvin Woody (to replace outgoing Councillors Daniel Dahlstrom and Philip Grier). Next, suggestions for the theme of the HSA conference in the year 2000 were solicited, and a vote was taken. The theme of the 2000 conference was determined to be: "Hegel's History of Philosophy." Then, on behalf of Fordham University, Michael Baur invited the Society to hold its conference in the year 2000 in New York City. The Society voted to accept the invitation and to hold its 2000 meeting in New York City, with Fordham University as the host institution. The Business Meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Michael Baur, HSA Secretary

Minutes from the HSA's Sixteenth Biennial Meeting October 21, 2000 (Fordham University, New York, NY) The Business Meeting was called to order by the Society's President, Dr. Robert Williams, at approximately 6:20 p.m. Dr. Ardis Collins presented the Treasurer’s Report, which showed that (since October 1998) the Society's balance brought forward was $22,503.28. Its new current balance stands at-$24,939.15, with its total actual assets at $28,673.39. Since October 1998, the Society's total revenues were $36,452.70 and its total pay-outs were $34,016.83. As part of her Report, the Treasurer expressed the Society’s gratitude to Loyola University of Chicago for its ongoing help in sustaining the Owl of Minerva, and to Jeffrey Pine for his pro bono legal (trademark) work on behalf of the Society. The legal work was necessary, since -- without securing a trademark -- the Society ran the risk of losing its right to continue using the journal title, the "Owl of Minerva." At the conclusion of the Treasurer's Report, the following motions were voted on and passed: BE IT RESOLVED: That the annual membership dues to be paid by retired/emeritus members of the Hegel Society of America be lowered to the amount paid by student members, which shall be $10 per year (raised from the previous amount of $8 per year). BE IT RESOLVED: That the President of the Hegel Society of America send a letter to the relevant office(s) at Loyola University of Chicago to thank Loyola for its help in sustaining the Owl of Minerva. BE IT RESOLVED: That the President of the Hegel Society of America send a letter of thanks to Jeffrey Pine for his pro bono legal work on behalf of the Society. BE IT RESOLVED: That the President of the Hegel Society of America send a letter to the relevant office(s) at Fordham University to thank Fordham for hosting the 2000 Biennial Meeting. Next, the membership considered the status of the Hegel Society's e-mail discussion group, authorized by the membership at the 1998 biennial meeting, and managed by Dr. Daniel Shannon of Depauw University. After some discussion regarding the e-mail group's limited use, and limited usefulness to members, the following resolution was voted on and passed: BE IT RESOLVED: That the Hegel Society's e-mail discussion group, managed by Daniel Shannon, shall be terminated when the Society's current service contract for this discussion group expires. Next, suggestions for the theme of the HSA conference in the year 2000 were solicited, and a vote was taken. The theme of the 2002 conference was determined to be: Hegel and Language. Then, John Russon invited the Society to hold its 2002 Biennial Meeting in State College, PA, with the Pennsylvania State University as the host institution. The membership voted to accept the invitation, and also voted to accepted an offer (made by Martin Donougho) to consider the University of South Carolina as the back-up host institution for 2002, in the event that plans for the 2002 meeting at Penn State do not materialize. Finally, elections were held for Officers and Councillors. The results of the elections (announced later at the Society's banquet) were as follows: President: David Kolb; Vice-President: Jere Surber; Councillors: Will Dudley and Kevin Thompson (to replace outgoing Councillors John McCumber and Jere Surber). The Business Meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Michael Baur, HSA Secretary

Minutes from the HSA's Seventeenth Biennial Meeting October 26, 2002 (Pennsylvania State University , University Park , PA) The Business Meeting was called to order by the Society’s President, Dr. David Kolb, at approximately 6:20 p.m. Dr. Ardis Collins presented the Treasurer’s Report, which showed that (since October 2000) the Society’s balance brought forward was $28,673.39. Its new current balance stands at $31,397.63, with its total actual assets at $35,378.37. Since October 2000, the Society's total new income was $32,618.07 and its total pay-outs were $29,893.83. As part of her Report, the Treasurer expressed the Society’s gratitude to Loyola University of Chicago for its ongoing help in sustaining The Owl of Minerva. At the conclusion of the Treasurer’s Report, the following motion was voted on and passed: “BE IT RESOLVED: That the annual membership dues to be paid by regular members of the Hegel Society of America shall be increased to $25 per year. Dues for students and retirees remain the same at $10 per year.” President David Kolb then announced that the Society had not received any firm offers from potential host institutions for the 2004 meeting, and that the Executive Council would decide on the 2004 location sometime in the near future, taking into consideration factors such as hotel costs, local funding, and convenience. Next, suggestions for the theme of the HSA conference in the year 2004 were solicited, and a vote was taken. The theme of the 2004 conference was determined to be: “The Politics and Metaphysics of Identity and Difference.” It was also determined that the exact wording of the theme (to be announced in the “Call for Papers for the 2004 meeting) shall be decided upon by the HSA Vice-President (i.e., Program Chair), with the advice and consent of the Executive Council. Next, the following resolution was voted on and passed: “BE IT RESOLVED: That papers accepted for the Hegel Society sessions at APA Eastern Division Meetings are automatically submitted for possible publication in The Owl of Minerva. By submitting a paper, the author agrees to this condition, although acceptance for publication is determined by the journal’s regular evaluation process, and cannot be guaranteed. In exceptional cases, the Hegel Society Executive may set aside this condition, with decisions to be made on a case by case basis. If the paper is not accepted for publication in the journal, the author is free to publish it elsewhere.” Next, the following resolution was voted on and passed: “BE IT RESOLVED: That the Hegel Society’s Vice-President (i.e., Program Chair) may allocate one time-slot on the Hegel Society’s Biennial Meeting program for an invited speaker, who shall be asked to speak on the topic of the meeting theme. The Vice-President shall issue the invitation to this speaker with the advice and consent of the Executive Council.” Next, Vice-President Jere Surber presented the following motion, which was voted on and passed: “BE IT RESOLVED: That t he Hegel Society of America recognizes and congratulates the Sociedade Hegel Brasileira on its recent inauguration. We extend to our fellow scholars our best wishes in their work, invite them to participate in our functions, and offer our assistance and cooperation in future endeavors.” The membership in attendance also voted on and passed a resolution stating that the Society’s deep gratitude to the following institutions and individuals shall be reflected in the Business Meeting Minutes: to Penn State University, for its institutional and financial support for the 2002 Biennial Meeting; to John Sallis, John Russon, and Nancy Fedrow for their excellent work in handling the local arrangements for the 2002 Biennial Meeting; to Jere Surber (Program Chair for the 2002 Biennial Meeting) for assembling such a strong meeting program on “Hegel and Language”; to Loyola University of Chicago, for its ongoing institutional and financial support of the Hegel Society’s journal, The Owl of Minerva ; and to Jeffrey Pine for his pro bono legal work on behalf of the Society (Mr. Pine helped to secure the Society’s rights to the trademark, the “Owl of Minerva”). Finally, elections were held for Officers and Councillors. The results of the elections were as follows: President: Richard Dien Winfield; Vice-President: Philip Grier; Councillors: John Russon and David Stern (to replace outgoing Councillors Angelica Nuzzo and Melvin Woody). The Business Meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Michael Baur, HSA Secretary

Minutes from the HSA's Eighteenth Biennial Meeting October 23, 2004 (University of California, Los Angeles) The Business Meeting was called to order by the Society's President, Dr. Richard Dien Winfield, at approximately 6:20 p.m. Dr. Ardis Collins presented the Treasurer's Report, which showed that (since October 2000) the Society's balance brought forward was $35,378.37. Its new current balance stands at $37,839.42, with its total actual assets at $38,742.09. Since October 2000, the Society's total new income was $22,797.75 and its total pay-outs were $20,336.70. At the conclusion of the Treasurer's Report, the following motion was voted on and passed: BE IT RESOLVED: That between now and the time of the next Biennial Meeting (in 2006), the Society shall implement a membership dues increase in order to cover the Society's costs, but the amount of the increase shall not exceed $15 for any membership category. Next, elections were held for Officers and Councillors. The final results of the elections were as follows: President: John McCumber; Vice-President: Will Dudley; Councillors: Robert Bernasconi and Andrew Buchwalter (to replace outgoing Councillors Will Dudley and Kevin Thompson). John Russon and David Stern (who were elected to the Council in 2002) remain as Councillors for another two years. Since the Society had not received any firm offers from potential host institutions for the 2006 meeting, it was determined that the Executive Council shall decide on the 2006 location sometime in the near future, taking into consideration factors such as hotel costs, local funding, and convenience. Next, suggestions for the theme of the HSA conference in the year 2006 were solicited, and a vote was taken. The theme of the 2006 conference was determined to be: Hegel and History. It was also observed that the exact wording of the 2006 Call for Papers? shall be decided upon by the HSA Vice-President (i.e., Program Chair), with the advice and consent of the Executive Council. The membership in attendance also voted on and passed a resolution to express the Society's deep gratitude to the following institutions and individuals: to UCLA, for its institutional and financial support of the 2004 Biennial Meeting; to John McCumber for his excellent work in handling the local arrangements for the 2004 Biennial Meeting; to Andrew Hewitt (Chair of UCLA's German Department), for his support in connection with the 2004 Biennial Meeting; to Philip Grier (Program Chair for the 2004 Biennial Meeting) for assembling such a strong meeting program on “The Politics and Metaphysics of Identity and Difference. Also, it was resolved that the newly-elected President of the Hegel Society shall write a letter to George Leaman (Director of the Philosophy Documentation Center, or PDC) in order to thank the PDC for its work in digitizing back issues of the Hegel Society's publications; and to Andrew Hewitt, in order to thank him for his support of the 2004 meeting. The Business Meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Michael Baur, HSA Secretary

Minutes from the HSA's Nineteenth Biennial Meeting October 7, 2006 (Chicago, IL) President John McCumber called the meeting to order at 6:15 pm. The Executive Council offered the following motion: The 2007 notice of dues will ask for suggestions for topics for the 2010 biennial meeting. These will be discussed at the business meeting 2008, together with such other suggestions as are made at the meeting and by the Executive Council. The business meeting will formulate a list of topics. The membership will vote on these topics by mail. The motion carried. The following members were nominated for office: President Philip Grier and Jere Surber Vice President David Stern and Mark Tunick Councillor Allegra de Laurentis, Glenn Magee, Lydia Moland, and Kenneth Westphal Phillip Grier was elected President, David Stern was elected Vice President, and Allegra de Laurentis and Kenneth Westphal were elected Councillors (they will replace outgoing Councillors John Russon and David Stern). Robert Bernasconi and Andrew Buchwalter (who were elected to the Council in 2004) will remain on as Councillors for another two years. Ardis Collins and Michael Baur will remain on as Treasurer and Secretary, respectively. Ardis Collins gave the Treasurer’s report. The Society’s financial situation improved over the last two years since the last meeting. Income received totaled $30,536.52, of which $30,074.42 came from subscription income. Expenses paid totaled $23,675.32. Thus income exceeded expenses by $6,861.20. The Society’s checking account had a balance brought forward in October 2004 of $24,521.41. The adjusted balance as of October 8, 2006 was $31,461.48. The Society also has funds invested in a certificate of deposit. The balance brought forward in October 2004 was $12,774.68. The current balance is $13,072.71 The Society’s total assets (checking account plus the certificate of deposit) are $44,395.67. Martin Donougho proposed that the University of South Carolina host the 2008 meeting. This proposal was accepted. Four topics were proposed for the 2008 meeting: Philosophy of Subjective Spirit Recognition and Reconciliation Hegel and Education Hegel and Contemporary Issues The topic selected was the Philosophy of Subjective Spirit. A motion thanking Kevin Thompson for his work as local arrangements chair was made and approved by acclamation. A motion thanking Will Dudley for his work as program chair was made and approved by acclamation. A motion that the new President should send a letter of appreciation to DePaul University was made and approved by acclamation. The meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm.

Minutes from the HSA's Twentienth Biennial Meeting October 25, 2008 (Columbia, SC) President Philip Grier called the meeting to order at 5:50 pm. Ardis Collins presented the Treasurer’s report. Income received totaled $26,404.02, of which $24,367.00 came from subscription income. Expenses paid out (including some expenses connected to the renewal of the Hegel Society’s trademark for “the Owl of Minerva”) totaled $24,208.58. Thus income exceeded expenses by $2,194.44. The Society’s checking account had a balance brought forward in September 2006 of $31,259.08. The adjusted balance as of September 30, 2008 was $33,518.40. The Society also has funds invested in a certificate of deposit. The balance brought forward in October 2006 was $13,072.71. The current balance is $14,266.55 The Society’s total assets (checking account plus the certificate of deposit) are $47,784.95. The following four topics were proposed as possible topics for the 2010 Hegel Society meeting: Hegel and Analytic Philosophy Hegel on Education and Culture Hegel and Globalization Hegel, Religion, and Politics A vote on these topics was taken at the Business Meeting, and the votes for each topic were recorded. It was also resolved that these four topics should be mailed out to all Hegel Society members, so that a membership-wide vote could be taken. The votes gathered from the membership-wide mailing would then be added to the votes taken at the Business Meeting, so that the choice of the 2010 meeting could be based on the combined votes of (a) those members present at the Business Meeting and (b) those members who did not attend the Business Meeting. David Duquette indicated that his home institution, St. Norbert College in DePere, WI, might be able to host the 2010 meeting of the Hegel Society. His offer to serve as the local organizer (with St. Norbert College as the host institution) was accepted. It was understood that David Duquette’s offer is conditional on approval from the relevant parties at St. Norbert College. It was also resolved that the 2010 meeting of the Hegel Society should be scheduled, if at all possible, to miss overlapping with the 2010 SPEP meeting by at least two weeks. The following members were nominated for office: President Will Dudley and Bill Maker Vice-President Angelica Nuzzo and Mark Tunick Councillor Jason Howard, Glenn Magee, Lydia Moland, and Surya Parekh Bill Maker was elected President, Angelica Nuzzo was elected Vice President, and Jason Howard and Lydia Moland were elected Councillors (they will replace outgoing Councillors Robert Bernasconi and Andrew Buchwalter). Allegra de Laurentis and Kenneth Westphal (who were elected to the Council in 2006) will remain on as Councillors for another two years. Ardis Collins and Michael Baur will remain on as Treasurer and Secretary, respectively. A motion thanking Martin Donougho for his work as the local organizer of the 2008 meeting was made and approved by acclamation. A motion thanking David Stern for his work as the program chair for the 2008 meeting was made and approved by acclamation. A motion that the new President should send a letter of appreciation to the University of South Carolina was made and approved by acclamation. A motion that the new President should send a letter of thanks to Jeff Pine, who took care of the Society's trademark application pro bono, was made and accepted by acclamation. The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:15 pm.

Minutes from the HSA's Twenty-First Biennial Meeting October 9, 2010 (De Pere, WI) President Bill Maker called the meeting to order at 5:10 pm. Ardis Collins presented the Treasurer's Report. Income received totaled $28,263.58, of which $27,077.90 came from subscription income. Expenses paid out (including expenses to cover some of 2008 Hegel Society Meeting) totaled $36,811.60. Thus expenses exceeded income by $8,548.02. The Society's checking account had a balance brought forward in September 2008 of $33,518.40. The adjusted balance as of September 2010 was $25,026.92. The Society also had funds invested in a certificate of deposit. The balance brought forward on Oct. 1 2008 was $14,266.55. The current balance is $14,888.64. The Society's total assets (checking account plus the certificate of deposit) are $39,915.56. It was noted that at the last Society meeting (2008) $2160.87 was paid out in additional banquet fees that had been unanticipated. Members were cautioned that, when hosting conferences in the future, they need to be careful to clarify beforehand what the total banquet fees will be to eliminate any hidden charges to the Hegel Society. It was noted that the Owl will likely move to two double issues per year, rather than four single issues, since the journal can save approximately $1000 in mailing and associated costs by going this route. The following four topics were proposed for the 2012 Hegel Society Meeting: Hegel and Kant (9 votes) Hegel and Education (9 votes) The Logical and the Real (8 votes) Hegel and Capitalism (14 votes) It was agreed (after an almost unanimous decision) that the policy of including a membership-wide vote to decide the final theme of the next HSA meeting would continue. In deciding the topic of the 2008 meeting, sixty-three members voted of the larger HSA membership (those not present at the business meeting of 2008), and so it was agreed, given the level of larger interest, that the practice should continue. Thus, the votes gathered from a membership-wide mailing will be added to the votes taken at the 2010 Business Meeting, following the same procedure as the previous 2008 selection process. George DiGiovanni proposed (via email) that McGill University (Montreal) might be able to host the 2012 meeting. The motion was made to accept George's offer in the hopes that something could be finalized in the near future. The following members were nominated for office: President Ardis Collins and Adrian Peperzak Vice-President Andrew Buchwalter Councillor Glenn Magee, Alegra de Laurentiis, Peter Wake, Brady Bowman Before the election President Bill Maker clarified that Ardis was concerned that her position as treasurer of the HSA and editor of the Owl might give some voters pause, in which case she would step down and withdraw her nomination. There were no concerns from any of the members present, so Ardis accepted the nomination. Ardis was elected President, Andrew Buchwalter accepted the office of Vice-President (having no contending nominees), and Peter Wake and Brady Bowman were elected Councilors. Ardis Collins and Michael Baur will remain on as Treasurer and Secretary, respectively. A motion thanking David Duquette for his hospitality and that of St. Norbert's University was made and approved by acclamation. A motion that the new President should send a letter of appreciation to St. Norbert's University was made and approved by acclamation. A motion thanking Angelica Nuzzo for her work as the program chair for the 2010 meeting was made and approved by acclamation. The meeting adjourned at approximately 6:25 pm. Minutes respectfully submitted by Jason Howard (acting as temporary Secretary).

Minutes from the HSA's Twenty-Second Biennial Meeting October 27, 2012 (Chicago, IL) President Ardis Collins called the meeting to order at 6:45 pm. A report was made regarding the Executive Council's activities over the past two years. Lydia Moland noted that two conference sessions were organized under the auspices of the Society. The first was held at the December 2011 meeting of the Eastern American Philosophical Association and the second at the April 2012 meeting of Pacific American Philosophical Association. Ardis also reported on the Executive Council's decision to allow the Philosophy Documentation Center to sell individual articles of the Owl of Minerva. In her role as Treasurer, Ardis presented the Treasure's Report. Between October 2010 and October 2012 income received totaled $26,823, of which $26,731 came from subscription income. Expenses paid out totaled $21,992. Thus, income exceeded expenses by $4,830. There are, however, a number of outstanding payments totaling approximately $7,800. These include expenses associated with the renewal of the Hegel Society's trademark and the renewal of the Society's tax-exempt status, as well as typesetting, printing, and mailing costs. The Society's checking account had a balance brought forward in September 2010 of $25,026. The current balance is $32,515. The Society also has funds invested in a certificate of deposit. The balance brought forward in October 2010 was $14,888 and is now $15,001. The Society's total assets (checking account plus the certificate of deposit) are $47,516. The following members were nominated for office: President Robert Bernasconi and Adriaan Peperzak Vice-President Ned Beach and Allegra de Laurentiis Councilor Karin de Boer, Phil Kain, Nicholas Mowad, and Nathan Ross Robert Bernasconi was elected President, Allegra de Laurentiis was elected to the office of Vice-President, and Karin de Boer and Nicholas Mowad were elected Councilors. Ardis Collins and Michael Baur will continue in their positions as Treasurer and Secretary respectively. Brady Bowman and Peter Wake will remain in their positions as Councilors. The following four topics were proposed for the 2014 Hegel Society meeting: Hegel and the Fine Arts Hegel and the Philosophy of History Hegel and Schelling Hegel without Metaphysics It was agreed that the policy of including a membership-wide vote to decide the theme would continue. A discussion was held addressing a proposal to include a workshop as part of future meetings of the Society. 'Translating Hegel' was offered as an example of the sort of topic that might be addressed in a workshop of this kind. A motion thanking Kevin Thompson for his work as the local organizer of the 2012 meeting was made and approved by acclamation. A motion was made to thank those DePaul institutions that supported the meeting (University Research Council, Institute for Business and Professional Ethics, Dean's Office of the College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences, and the Department of Philosophy). The motion was approved by acclamation. A motion to send a letter of thanks to Jeffrey Pine for his pro bono legal work for the Society was made and approved by acclamation. The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:35pm.

Minutes from the HSA's Twenty-Third Biennial Meeting October 31 to November 2, 2014 (Northwestern University, Chicago, IL) President Robert Bernasconi called the meeting to order at approximately 6:15 pm. Ardis Collins reported on a conference session organized under the auspices of the Society that was held at the December 2013 meeting of the Eastern American Philosophical Association and addressed the theme, "Challenging the Kantian Frame." Ardis also reported the Executive Council’s decision to allow the Philosophy Documentation Center to post online those articles accepted for publication in the Owl of Minerva. Only subscribers to the journal will have access to these articles in this format. In her role as Treasurer, Ardis then presented the Treasure’s Report. Between October 2012 and October 2014, income received totaled $27,763, of which $25,853 came from subscription income. Expenses paid out totaled $29,751. The Society’s checking account had a balance brought forward in September 2012 of $32,515. The current balance is $31,721. The Society also has funds invested in a certificate of deposit. The balance brought forward in October 2012 was $15,001 and is now $15,123. The Society’s total assets (checking account plus the certificate of deposit) are $46,844. The following motion proposed by the Executive Committee was read by Ardis: "Move that the Vice President of the Hegel Society of America, who is responsible for organizing the next Hegel Society conference, continue as a member of the Hegel Society Executive under the title Editor of the Published Papers until and including the next Hegel Society biennial meeting." The motion was approved by acclamation. The following members were nominated for office: PresidentAngelica Nuzzo and Allegra de Laurentiis Vice-President Glen Magee CouncilorMark Alznauer, Michael Morris, Henry Southgate, Lou Turner Angelica Nuzzo was elected President, Glen Magee was elected to the office of Vice-President, and Mark Alznauer and Lou Turner were elected Councilors. Ardis Collins and Michael Baur will continue in their positions as Treasurer and Secretary respectively. Karin de Boer and Nicholas Mowad will remain in their positions as Councilors. The following four topics were proposed for the 2016 Hegel Society meeting: Hegel and His Contemporaries Hegel and Ancient Philosophy Hegel and the Nineteenth Century Hegel and the Non-Western World It was agreed that the policy of including a membership-wide vote to decide the theme would continue. Mark Alznauer was thanked for his work as the local organizer of the 2014 meeting. Philip Greer remembered George L. Klein, former President of the Society, who passed away on October 21, 2014. Ardis remembered Joseph Flay, also a former President of the Society, who passed away on June 27, 2014. A suggestion was made that we consider choosing the Vice President after conference topics have been decided. A motion to have the Executive Committee take up the issue was made and approved by acclamation. A motion was made to thank those Northwestern institutions that supported the meeting. The motion was approved by acclamation. The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:17pm. Minutes respectfully submitted by Peter Wake (acting as temporary Secretary).

Minutes from the HSA's Twenty-Fourth Biennial Meeting November 4-6, 2016 (Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada) President Angelica Nuzzo called the meeting to order at approximately 6:18 pm. The Treasurer, Ardis Collins, presented the Treasure’s Report for 2014 to 2016. Between October 2014 and October 2014 income received totaled $35,579, of which $31,308 came from subscription income. Expenses paid out totaled $32,168. The Society’s checking account had a balance brought forward in October 2014 of $19,366. The current balance is $37,850. The Society also has funds invested in a certificate of deposit. The balance brought forward in October 2014 was $15,123 and is now $15,176. The Society’s total assets (checking account plus the certificate of deposit) are $58,327. The following members were nominated for office: PresidentAllegra De Laurentiis and Jere Surber Vice-President Mark Alznauer CouncilorEmilia Angelova, Anton Barba-Kay, Andrew Davis, and Paul Wilford Allegra De Laurentiis was elected President; Mark Alznauer was elected to the office of Vice-President; Emilia Angelova, Anton Barba-Kay, and Andrew Davis were elected as Councilors. Ardis Collins and Michael Baur will continue in their positions as Treasurer and Secretary, respectively. Lou Turner will remain in his position as Councilor. The following three topics were proposed for the 2016 Hegel Society meeting: Hegel and Democracy Hegel and Nature Hegel, Tragedy, and Comedy It was agreed that the policy of including a membership-wide vote to decide the theme would continue. David Morris of Concordia University was thanked for his work as the local organizer of the 2016 meeting. A motion was made to thank Concordia University for its institutional support of the 2016 meeting. The motion was approved by acclamation. The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:27pm. Minutes respectfully submitted by Michael Baur (Secretary of the Hegel Society of America)

Minutes from the HSA's Twenty-Fifth Biennial Meeting October 26-28, 2018 (Boston College, Boston, MA) President Allegra de Laurentiis called the meeting to order at approximately 6:20 pm. The Treasurer, Ardis Collins, presented the Treasurer’s Report for 2015 to 2018. Between October 2015 and October 2018 income received totaled $43,222.80, of which $43,186.90 came from subscription income (print and online). Expenses paid out totaled $40,683.40. The Society’s checking account has a current balance of $31,366.54. The Society also has funds invested in a certificate of deposit. The balance brought forward in September 2016 was $15,176.21 and is now $15,197.12. The Society’s total assets (checking account plus the certificate of deposit plus $12,003.42 in credit from the Philosophy Document Center) are $58,567.08. The results of the election of officers were as follows: Jere Surber was elected President; Sebastian Rand was elected Vice-President; Paul Wilford was elected as Councilor. Ardis Collins and Michael Baur will continue in their positions as Treasurer and Secretary, respectively. Emilia Angelova, Anton Barba-Kay, and Andrew Davis will remain in their positions as Councilors. The following three topics were proposed for the 2016 Hegel Society meeting: (1) Hegel on Truth and Untruth (2) Hegel's Social and Political Philosophy: 200 Years of the Philosophy of Right (3) Hegel, Race, and Gender It was agreed that the policy of having a membership-wide vote to decide the theme would continue. Paul Wilford of Boston College was thanked for his work as the local organizer of the 2018 meeting. A motion was made to thank Boston College for its institutional support of the 2018 meeting. The motion was approved by acclamation. The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:22 pm. Minutes respectfully submitted by Michael Baur (Secretary of the Hegel Society of America)

Minutes of the HSA's Twenty-Sixth Biennial Meeting October 22, 2022, Nashville, TN President Jere Surber called the meeting to order at approximately 6:00 pm. The Society’s Secretary, Michael Baur, speaking on behalf of the Treasurer, Ardis Collins (who was unable to attend the 2022 meeting), presented the Treasurer’s Report. The total revenues for 2019 were $13,179.72, and the total expenses for 2019 were $5,951.47. The total revenues for 2020 were $9,465.32, and the total expenses for 2020 were $5,580.59. The total revenues for 2021 were $12,706.89, and the total expenses for 2021 were $7,077.14. As of October of 2022, the Society’s total assets (including checking account and certificate of deposit) are $71,226.64. A motion was made to authorize Michael Baur, as the Society’s Secretary, to open a deposit account in the name of the Society, in order to assist the Treasurer in receiving monies and dispersing payments on behalf of the Society. The motion passed unanimously. The following members were elected (or re-elected) to office: President Kevin Thompson Vice-President Jeffrey Church Treasurer: Ardis Collins Secretary: Michael Baur Councilors: Jere Surber, Alex Adamson, Nicoletta Montaner Paul Wilford will remain in his position as Councilor. The following three topics were proposed for the 2024 meeting of the Society: Hegel and Education (Bildung) Hegel’s Relevance Today Hegel and Nature It was agreed that the policy of including a membership-wide vote to decide the theme would continue. A motion was made to thank Andy Davis as the local organizer, and to thank Belmont University as the host institution, for their work in organizing and funding the 2022 meeting of the Society. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:00pm. Respectfully submitted, Michael Baur, Secretary

Minutes from the HSA's Twenty-Seventh Biennial Meeting October 12, 2024 (Boston University, Boston, MA) President Kevin Thompson called the meeting to order at approximately 5:06 pm. The Society’s Secretary, Michael Baur, speaking on behalf of the Treasurer, Ardis Collins (who was unable to attend the 2024 meeting), presented the Treasurer’s Report. The Society’s holdings at the time of the 2022 meeting amounted to a total of $71,226.64. The Society’s current holdings are as follows: $24,138.43 – BMO Harris Bank Checking Account $15,294.35 – BMO Harris Bank Certificate of Deposit $37,190.67 – Chase Checking Account $9,485.23 – Line of Credit (funds being held by the Philosophy Documentation Center) $86,108.68 – Total holdings President Kevin Thompson announced that the Owl of Minerva is in the process of establishing a “Committee of Primary Editors” whose job will be to assist the Owl’s Editor-in- Chief with the tasks of receiving, vetting, and editing submissions to the Owl of Minerva. President Kevin Thompson announced that the Society’s Executive Council unanimously approved a new policy for the publication of papers from the Society’s biennial conference; instead of being published by a book-publisher as a separate, stand-alone volume, the papers from the Society’s conference are henceforth to be published in the Owl of Minerva, with the Vice-President (Program Chair) as Guest Editor. A motion was made to endorse this new policy, and the motion passed unanimously. The results of the election of officers were as follows: Mark Alznauer was elected President; Timothy Brownlee was elected Vice-President; Jeffrey Church and Sally Sedgwick were elected as Councillors. Ardis Collins and Michael Baur will continue in their positions as Treasurer and Secretary, respectively. Alex Adamson and Nicolletta Montaner will continue in their positions as Councillors. The following three topics were proposed for the 2026 Hegel Society meeting: (1) Hegel and Time (2) Hegel in Dialogue (3) Open [no particular topic] It was agreed that the policy of having a membership-wide vote to decide the conference topic would continue. A motion was made to thank Boston University for its institutional support of the 2024 meeting. The motion was approved by acclamation. A motion was made to thank Sally Sedgwick and Allen Speight as the local organizers for the 2024 meeting. The motion was approved by acclamation. The meeting adjourned at approximately 6:05 pm. Minutes respectfully submitted by Michael Baur (Secretary of the Hegel Society of America)

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