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Welcome to the home page of the Owl of Minerva, the official journal of the Hegel Society of America.

"When philosophy paints its gray on gray, then has a form of life grown old, and with gray on gray it cannot be rejuvenated, but only known; the Owl of Minerva first takes flight with twilight closing in."

-G. W. F. Hegel, "Preface," Philosophy of Right

Click here for recently published issues of The Owl of Minerva.

Miscellaneous Information

Scope of the Journal

The Owl publishes articles, notes, discussions, reviews, and translations which pertain directly to Hegel, as well as those which bear upon his contemporaries, his successors, his influence today, or the latest developments in Hegel scholarship, and those which direct a Hegelian perspective toward the resolution of philosophical issues or enter into debate with this approach. Not only philosophers, but also representatives of other disciplines, such as history, sociology, economics, law, German literature, etc., are welcome to contribute papers which specifically relate the particular concerns of those disciplines to Hegelian thought.


In addition to being received by every member of the HSA, The Owl is also held by over 180 libraries worldwide.

Cumulative and Thematic Indexes

  • 25-year index appeared in 25, 2 (Spring 1994)

  • A 10-year index appeared in 11, 3 (March 1980)

  • Indexed in The Philosopher's Index

  • Indexed in Bowker's Periodicals Index

  • Indexed in International Bibliography of Periodical Literature

  • Indexed in International Bibliography of Book Reviews

Editorial History

Editor, 1969-1977: Frederick G. Weiss
Editor, 1977-1996: Lawrence S. Stepelevich
Editor, 1996- : Ardis B. Collins
Book Review Editor, 1983-1996: William A. Maker
Book Review Editor, 1996- : Michael Baur​

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